Miguel Mantovani aka Mike Keat: The Cuban legend/ Impresario has found fame and dirty fortune by exploiting himself and others in the seedy world of entertainment and pornography. He has indulged in dark mobster indiscretions, political and sexual controversy and has a myriad of bad boy tales to tell. He has also been one of Cuba’s most notorious performers and club owners. His dark and mysterious past provides much of the anecdotal references that gel the show together and link in the key characters.
Mike Keat is the brains and brawn behind Miguel Mantovani, head honcho of The Cuban Brothers. An exceptional singer, dancer, writer, DJ and all round nice guy, Mike Keat is increasingly storming stages with his idiosyncratic twist on adult entertainment. Now storming the airwaves of MTV with partner Archie Easton at his side, the duo are fast becoming performers of unparalleled proportions with an ever growing roster of their own high energy, high impact characters.