Sorry it’s taken a bit of time to update our news! You see, it’s not the management or anyone else that looks after the website, so if things are busy (as we have been) it takes a bit of time! Apologies!!

Well, let me start off by catching up with Bestival! It was our 8th year this year (and the 8th Bestival) and it was once again full of fun and action, action and fun!

We repped the Cocktails and dreams tent every night as well as the Main Stage on Friday (as Barry peters and Double Penetration) and Sunday. The highlight was clearly the full band show on Sunday – an early afternoon set to really get the day going. By the time we ended with “Love is in The Air” we had the whole crowd jumping and singing along with Kengo san and Archerio amongst the audience!

Personal highlights included Björk who headlined Sunday night – performing Biophilia, rocking it with the Icelandic choir  and the most awesome of visuals. I also had a great little dance at the Psychedelic Worm tent with T.E.E.D – a new tent for 2012 which had a great atmosphere and a banging sound system. New Wave revivalists Asteroids were also impressive at Sailor Jerry’s tent.

Once again congratulations to Robbie, Josie, Getinvolved and Loudsound crew for running a tight ship and as always, much love and respect to Sarah and the artist liaison crew for dealing with all our ill-behaviour!

About the author

Met the boys while studying in Edinburgh where he began his love affair with dance. His first show with Mike was in a small pub on the Cowgate at a pub quiz hosted by Fitz Nice’n’Tight (another of Mike’s incarnations). At the gig was planted the seeds for the eventual conception of Kengo San, a dancer and fever man who can make you come without touching you.